Saturday, June 8, 2013

Can't Think of a Title, So We'll Just Call This 'Today's Blog Post'

The mess has gotten larger.  The project, bigger.  But the energy is gone.  As of about 4:45pm today, my energy (or perhaps it was more of a 72-hour adrenaline rush associated with my intense desire to completely destroy something) is gone.

I'm noticing a bit of a 'pattern'.  Down time = the deep ache.

As long as I keep going, as long as there's somewhere I have to be, someone I have to converse with, something I have to do, someone I have to tend to, the deep ache subsides.  But the moment any of those things stop, the deep ache returns.

So... do I just keep myself busy ALL THE TIME and never, ever think about Elliana or feel the deep ache again?

And if I don't keep myself busy all the time, what do I do when the deep ache returns?  It's not like I can push 'pause' on the kids and go play the piano or go to the cemetery.  Or go throw beer bottles.

I've recently learned that there's more than one kind of grief.  There's 'grief', and there's 'complicated grief'.

And I think that's all I want to say about that today.

I guess the good news is this:  after I've completely destroyed something (like the overgrown bushes and great big mound of weed-covered dirt in my back yard), it usually results in a completed project.  I tear something up, I clean it up (with Jason's help), and usually whatever I tore up looks better than it did before I destroyed it.

So eventually, when I'm done with my current project, I'll have 4 freshly painted/decorated, completely rearranged, and extremely organized bedrooms.

Let's hope the energy (or adrenaline) returns quickly.

Wish me luck.


  1. After I had Sawyer I rearranged every room in my house. I hated down time because I wasn't supposed to have it, I was supposed to be busy with a newborn. Just wanted to let you know you aren't going crazy even though it may feel like at times.

    1. Thanks, Christina - it helps to know I'm not completely crazy. :-)

  2. Take this the right way, Shannon, but I am laughing so hard at this post! If I didn't know your heart, and you mine, I wouldn't dare to say that. You've just saved my household from having four partially remodeled rooms, as now I've seen so clearly that yes, having to be busy is a huge part of grief lest the pain destroy us, leaving the only other option being to not get out of bed. Take heart, dear one, Jesus said he's coming back soon. We're another day closer. Just think, Elliana and Trent are there- they are there!

    1. I'm glad you shared this. And I'm glad to have spared your home. :-) Yes - we're another day closer. And it's comforting to remember that other kids are in Heaven with my little girl. Especially comforting when I know the other kids' names - if that makes any sense AT ALL. Knowing that your Trent and my Elliana are there together makes us feel like family. :-)

      I want to know what rooms you were going to remodel. :-)

  3. My bedroom, boys bedroom, extra bedroom/class room/junk collection room, the bathroom, and if I finished all those projects by suppertime I was going to start digging the foundation for that entryway and pantry that I've wanted Rob to build for several years. Had I not read your post I probably would have gotten them all half done:))
