Monday, September 17, 2012

29 weeks, 1 day - the '29 weeks' post

The Belly
That little blond head at the bottom of the picture is Seth's.  He was making faces at himself in the mirror, but got all camera-shy when I told him to say 'cheese'. 

The Crappiest Pregnant Moment(s)
Leg cramps in the middle of the night - the kind where you have to jump out of bed to relieve them.  OK - well, maybe I don't jump out of bed.  I sort of roll out as quickly as I can.

Apparently, extra amniotic fluid can make things rather uncomfortable around the rib cage.  I thought it was a little too early for Elliana to be sticking her feet up that high.  Yeah, it's not her feet.  It's just fluid.  Feet would be more... enjoyable?

Worst moment, by far:  the moment I had to explain to Jason why our electric bill was twice as high as it should be.  I'm really struggling to think clearly these days, and most of the time, I make harmless mistakes.  But this one was a doozie.  Must have been a combination of hormones, loss of brain cells, stress, and some kind of PTSD.  When I went to pay the electric bill online last month, I entered my debit card info... and the WRONG expiration date.  The website froze up.  I had to shut the computer down.  And my brain shut down with the computer.  I forgot to go back and pay the bill.  Never crossed my mind until I got our next electric bill in the mail.  And then, I realized my mistake.  Explaining it to Jason just made it even worse - not because he was angry.  Just hated admitting to him the mess I'd made.

The Happiest Pregnant Moment(s)
The moment I felt 'good' about our choice for Elliana's 'coming home outfit'.

Today, I had an Oreo cookie, and it tasted GOOD.  So I ate 3 more.  When was the last time something tasted really good??   I think it was about 6 months ago.

The Cravings
Still none.  If the Oreos still taste good tomorrow, that might be the closest I've gotten to a craving in a couple weeks.

The Little Princess
She is blissfully unaware of what everyone 'out here' is saying about her.  She's growing (weighed 2.1 lbs as of last Wed), hiccupping, and kicking.  Happy as she can be.

The Big Sibs
Seth rubs my tummy much more frequently these days.  :-)

Lbs: Pre-preggo weight +2.  Those 4 Oreos today must have added that pound today.

Upcoming Events and Appointments This Week
Overwhelming week... 

*Jason and I have agreed to participate in a research study (more about that later), and our first interview was last night.  In a strange sort of way, it was almost therapeutic - Jason and I telling someone about this experience.

*Check-up for me today - I wish those appointments would get easier.  We talked more about scheduling the c-section.  And we talked about the chances of stillbirth.  And I asked more questions about that floating membrane. 

I'm having one of those awful moments where I think, 'This can't really be happening.'

*And tomorrow, I go to the Kids Path lady with our birth plan.  Or, as much of it as we could complete. 

After that, I'm ready for a break from the appointments.  I need some time to recover from the one we had last week and the 3 this week. 

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