Tuesday, September 4, 2012

27 weeks, 2 days - the '27 weeks' post

I'm having a hard time getting into the 'jovial' spirit of my weekly pregnancy journal.  I just can't do the picture this week.

BUT - I can write about everything else.

The Crappiest Pregnant Moment
Nothing tastes right.  I find myself wanting to eat and drink things that have really strong flavors just so I can taste something I really like. 

I think all of my crappy pregnant moments have revolved around food.

The Happiest Pregnant Moment
Elliana has 'met' her Memom and Gramps - Jason's mom and stepdad.  They drove all the way from Texas to visit us.  AND -  over the last week, I've had some days that were a little lighter on the heartburn.  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The Cravings
Cereal.  Mostly Honey Bunches of Oats, but I don't really want any of the 'bunches of oats' (granola).  I just want the flakes.  How weird is that?

The Little Princess
Elliana is, by far, my most responsive baby in utero.  Or maybe I'm just overly attentive this time.  I don't know.  But she regularly 'plays' with me.  :-)  She'll kick, I'll rub the spot on my tummy she just kicked, then she'll kick again in the same spot.  She'll do this several times in a row with me. She won't really do it for anyone else.  I'd like to think that she's just more familiar with the touch and weight of my hand.  And that she knows her mommy.  I'm thankful to be able to interact with her like this - it's a memory I'll have with her. 

The Big Sibs
Seth occasionally elbows me in the tummy when he's getting off my lap.  It's a little uncomfortable when he does that, but now if I wince or say 'ouch', he'll look at my tummy and say 'Baby in there?'

There were a couple of days last week that were particularly hard - I cried SO MANY TIMES.  I think Elijah is getting more concerned these days.  He asks me lots of questions when he knows I've been crying.  I was able to talk with him one night after the little ones went to bed.  He was still a little unclear about what we believe will happen when Elliana is born.  Elijah knows that he has some siblings in heaven - the 4 we've lost in my first trimester of pregnancy.  But this time is different, and I think he's starting to understand that.  He asked me if Elliana is going to be like Missy, just having some 'special needs'.  That was a hard question to answer.  I told him about how Elliana was going to keep growing, and that she'd be born in the hospital, and that he would probably even get to see her and hold her.  I told him that we might even get to bring her home.  But then I said that the doctors didn't think she was going to live very long, and that she would probably die.  Elijah's response:  The doctors are stupid.  (Perhaps a little bit of faith in that statement?  In an Elijah sort of way??)

I don't think the doctors are stupid.  But I really hope they're wrong. 

Levi was extremely grumpy this morning.  I finally squeezed him tight, telling him I was going to squeeze all the grumpies out of him.  It made him giggle, but he didn't say that the grumpies were all gone.  So I squeezed again and told him that Elliana was going to kick all the grumpies out.  That made him laugh - and the grumpies disappeared.  :-)

And a sweet cousin moment:  One of my sisters was talking to her daughter, Rachel (almost 5), about Elliana, explaining that she's 'sick'.  Rachel:  Is she sick inside the tummy?  My sister:  Yes.  Rachel:  Well, maybe there's a trash can in the tummy, too.  For her to throw up in.

Lbs:  Not sure.  No appointments this week, and I really have no desire to get on the scale today.  :-)

Upcoming Appointments This Week
No appointments this week.  But Jason and I need to start filling out the birth plan forms so that the hospital staff is prepared for whatever we request.  Yesterday, I sent an email to an organization called Heartstrings, who offers support for couples who have lost a baby from conception through age 1.  One of the things they do is match moms in my situation with another mom who has already been through it.  I got a reply today, and they're working on finding a support mom to connect with me.

1 comment:

  1. Explaining to the older children what will happen, when it is so far very from what you all wish for, with their baby sibling is so heartbreakingly difficult.
