Yesterday, Elijah and I were sitting outside talking about some things (well, I was talking - I think he was listening). It was one of those talks that started with lots of tears and arguing (on his part) and ended very sweetly. After our conversation, he noticed several boxes in our recycling bin. He got up, went over to the bin, and started pulling out the boxes. I almost stopped him - I just didn't want ANOTHER mess to clean up - but I chose to let him play. And I'm so glad I did! After messing around with the boxes for a minute or two, he said, "Mom, this is my shield (an open Krispy Kreme donut box), and these are my tools (an oatmeal box and capri sun box). I can throw this one(milk carton) and hit 'em (the enemy, I guess), and these are my punchers (Kleenex and Coke boxes - the Coke box fit nicely onto his arm)." He's such a boy - I never would have thought to turn all those recyclables into weapons.
And then he can be so sweet - climbing into my lap (all 56 pounds of him!) or cuddling his little brother...